Monday, March 12, 2007

Regrettable incidences...

Don't you hate it when you make a mistake?

When you are in the blur and not in the know?

When you could've done things more skillfully?

Handled the situation much better?

Doesn't it frustrate you when people counted on you
but you let them down?

Don't you just land in remorse when you could've
but you didn't?

That's why humans naturally dislike changes.
When things seem unfamiliar, it feels so difficult
to adapt and adjust again.
Feels so tedious, the entire process of learning
from scratch again.

Just like the way we have to learn how to work
at a new job we just took.

Or like the way we have to study an entire module
to get pass an exam so we can get a degree.

Like the way we give up on one relationship and
break up, and then we have to get to know another
person from the start to have another.

Like the way we can never stop learning because
everything that we do has a learning curve, else
we'll never move up or progress.

I can't wait for things to get familiar again at work.

Can't wait for my schedule to fit in and settle down
and not be so full of suprises. Then again, what's life
without sudden surges and peaks and surprises?=P

Can't wait to find someone I'm familiar with. Someone
I can call my own.

Can't wait to get a pet. When will I? *ish* Been waiting
my whole life!

Can't wait to experience breakthroughs and miracles
in my own life.

Can't wait to breathe the air of freedom, free in my
spirit and also other physical things such as finances.

Can't wait to just BE. I want to JUST BE. I want to stop
striving. Be who I'm meant to be. Be who I'm made to be.

Don't you?

Funny how so many of us just work for the sake of making
a living. I'm tired of just working cause I need to pay off bills.
When will I get to just BE?

Ahhh.. daydreaming is SWEET! =)
Now I shall get back to work.
But Daddy holds so many more lovely suprises
in His hands.

I just can't wait! =D

*The happiest people doesn't necessarily have
the best things in life... They are the ones who
make the most out of everything that comes
their way....*


Blogger jhayxon moch said...

want my rabbit as ur pet.. ? the testicals are sticking out.. and it humped me few weeks ago. :) you can alwiz poke it and it will jump around. :P

take care~ jie. *hugs*

7:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

get a spider!!! get a spider!! hehehe... well, learn to enjoy the surprises, tats wat i say =] and if u wanna learn wat its like just to BE, i think mich ding would b a good person to talk to... hehehe

9:05 PM  
Blogger EstheR said...

sai lou... hehe i want a bunny! but why is its testicles sticking out! oh my gosh... it's on heat!!! muahahaha.. ewww... maybe after it's humping stage *grins cheekily*....
you take care too *huggies* =)

hey tamus... spider ar? i'm not a fan on animals i can't play with and doesn't have a tail! a fluffy one haha! hey was fun jamming with you again =). Mich Ding? She's just be-ing? hehe.. I will then.. hugs

3:21 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

i haven't figured out all that too, lol.

but you already figured it all out in the last para, happiness comes to anyone who makes the most of everything which comes their way.

making the most out of everything which comes your way is quite equivalent to striving all the time. so, if you stop striving, will you lose happiness? muahaha.

8:32 AM  

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