Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Formula That Never Fails..

We humans spend our entire lifetime
Trying to find the RIGHT formula
For every problem
The miracle cure
For every disease
The ultimate anti-failure proven solution
To solve men's misery and take away
the sorrows of this world

And yet so often
I tend to overlook
this REVELATION that I've found
this Saviour who has come to save the world


Don't really wanna sound
like a religious freak
But I don't wanna be a selfish freak either
Nor someone who won't give credit
to the Person who has saved my life

If you're looking for an answer?
A solution?
He is the ONe who never fails you..

Funny how I never learn
No matter how many times
Men fail me
I still seem to always stupidly
put my trust in them
Or hope for something better
Expect some awesome thing to happen
Yet time and again
They always , always let me down

Then there goes the routine again
I fall down
Bruise myself
Start to bleed
Shed some tears

Gosh, when will this stupidity end?

It's time to catch this revelation
and hold on to it
I'm Never gonna let go of You
Never again..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like your blog!

7:43 AM  

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