Pearl of the Orient...
Penang has beautiful skies...u can always see the exquisite shape of the
clouds ...designed n created in God's style and the radiance of the sun shining out from behind the clouds... it's a pretty sight!
Been here for a month and a half since the last week of October.Everything in my life have been totally awesome. Except for the fact dat i'm not with my closest frens and my family. =)
I can't deny how God's favour has proven to be so precious at such a time when i'm away from my dearest fwens and my precious family, I'm still able to live my life and be happy right where i am now. Daddy has been RELI FAITHFUL...
Most of you know about the fuss n hassle i went thru b4 coming here to pg. Never in my life would i ever tot i'd end up in Penang to do my industrial training.
n of coz it was never in my top 3 choices when asked for preference of location on my Indus. Trainin website.but somehow God has chosen to bring me ere. N i reli can't say it's by accident. Along the way, the journey coming here and how everything falls into place from a messy scenario almost astounds me.
Person in charge of us trainees from MMU (Me, Adeline and Kelvin) resigned. Branch in Damansara, PJ of Infinite Tests SOlutions Company had no idea who or how many or whatsoever details about us. We arrived at our workplace at 8.30am, (some of us earlier) to discover dat no one was der....waited a while.. finally someone came at 9 plus am.In short, we had a reli messy and confusing week. I just sat in the HEad of Marketing 's office dat monday morning and he goes,' OH?U guys are engineering students? our engineering branch is in pg. so i guess it's best dat u go der'. I was shocked. A small part of me was excited to go, abig part of me just dreaded the entire thing. This was so dumb, i was thinkin to myself. I had my home here, my family , my frens, my car.. now i've to go to pg n start over with nothing. HEck! where am i gonna stay? and so finally teh decision was made anyway.. I started reli praying dat God just led me wherever He wants me to be.. SO i just had to suddenly drop everything and desert my family n frens to come to pg.
It took us oni 3 days to find accomodation for ourselves(provided by company coz it's their fault=P) amazing isn't it? till now i can't believe we struck such a good deal! it was amazing! we found a place in Npark resort apartments, fully furnished(washing machine, stove, gas, sofa, dining set, fridge, rooms, beds, cupboard and pool, and gym ( not so nice la)) and so on. n we got the agent to rent for us for oni 3 months! GOSh, seriously, who would wanna rent to ppl who oni would stay for 3 months? i reli think it's by His grace.
And everything started falling into place,starting with dat. And at first der was so much confusion, they din even wanna pay us 500 each. they said 500 for all 3? or somehting like dat. but i prayed n waited. finally they issued a cheque of 500 to EACH one of us. and my workplace is heaven. I love it here but i hate my job.
My supervisor, Murali is such an amazing person. I'll talk more bout him some other time. But he's the most patient, big-hearted, calm, thoughtful, nice, generous, kind, most caring man i've ever met! SERIOUS! he comes from Chennai. I work in the R&D department which is reli small! der's Murali, Pandian, Ashok, Mahathir(yes, his full name is Mahathir Mohamad) and Sheela(the secretary). Murali, Pandian and Ashok is from Chennai, India. n they all look like BOllywood stars! but it's been reli awesome working with them so far. no internal conflicts, no arguments, just warmth n frenship. and they treat us trainees like their frens. My supervisor said he'd kill me if i call him sir. So i call all of dem by name.
N den der's the ' treating' part. I think since it's already been almost a month since i was here, it's countless times we've been 'chiar'ed by our colleagues and supervisor and ppl above us. EVen the CEO, Mr Raj treated us one day altho he's reli busy. der's the GM, Peter and Purchasing Manager, CP Ooi... who's been reli nice and accomodating to us. our Gm, Peter even brought us to play pool and belanja-ed us i dunno how many meals.. but we managed to snatch the bill once;) n i can say dat truly truly, i can oni dream of a working environment like this one. but too bad, i'ts over my dead body b4 i be a technician or true electronics engineer. so sad to say, i can't come back here to work after i grad.
altho i'm sleepy n bored most of the time, it's the ppl here dat keeps me alive. and I thank God every moment for it! even my roommate Adeline, same major but never reli knew her till we got into the same company together. She's awesome n reli nice and generous n sweet=)n i thank God for her. Or else i think i'll be so damn lonely. at least a close galfren anywhere is reli essential for i dun need guys to survive heh. BUt i reli reli miss u guys! U noe who u r!
i miss a lot of things, i miss my astro, my pc,my music! my piano! sometimes i reli feel the urge to go dancing or go play somehting on the piano. but much is restrained here. so i guess i'll just hafta be patient and wait till i get back to KL. BUt i truly thank God, He's been working behind the scenes up until now just to see dat i'm living in comfort n bliss.. n truly i can say dat i'm living nothing less than bliss. I love my condo, oni Chee yong and Kae ee have seen it so far. u guys can ask dem. but i'ts reli lovely from the 17th floor, we dun even need air cond. and i wish i can stay der all my life! it's reli nice!but hehe time to go soon. n ppl like Josh, Chu leik, Su chen, Zach and the rest have made it reli fun to be in pg;) .. i mean what's the point of having fun if u dun have wonderful frens to share it with right?
so do come n visit me sometime soon..:P heh but i'm coming back soon d anyway. i tink my training will be finished by 18th Jan. but it's cool getting to noe Pg a lil bit more. been a true privilege.
Congrates Chia! sorry next time oni can talk bout my taiwan trip liao.... and i know many of us visited my blogspot ...sorry it was never updated till now! din have the chance at all... wished i had my own pc here =(....but yeah, sorry if i missed out anything. been so long i can hardly remember what happened in the past month... hopeuflly this update will be slightly sufficient for now....hehe i gtg now.. take care ppl...pls keep in touch!Luv...
clouds ...designed n created in God's style and the radiance of the sun shining out from behind the clouds... it's a pretty sight!
Been here for a month and a half since the last week of October.Everything in my life have been totally awesome. Except for the fact dat i'm not with my closest frens and my family. =)
I can't deny how God's favour has proven to be so precious at such a time when i'm away from my dearest fwens and my precious family, I'm still able to live my life and be happy right where i am now. Daddy has been RELI FAITHFUL...
Most of you know about the fuss n hassle i went thru b4 coming here to pg. Never in my life would i ever tot i'd end up in Penang to do my industrial training.
n of coz it was never in my top 3 choices when asked for preference of location on my Indus. Trainin website.but somehow God has chosen to bring me ere. N i reli can't say it's by accident. Along the way, the journey coming here and how everything falls into place from a messy scenario almost astounds me.
Person in charge of us trainees from MMU (Me, Adeline and Kelvin) resigned. Branch in Damansara, PJ of Infinite Tests SOlutions Company had no idea who or how many or whatsoever details about us. We arrived at our workplace at 8.30am, (some of us earlier) to discover dat no one was der....waited a while.. finally someone came at 9 plus am.In short, we had a reli messy and confusing week. I just sat in the HEad of Marketing 's office dat monday morning and he goes,' OH?U guys are engineering students? our engineering branch is in pg. so i guess it's best dat u go der'. I was shocked. A small part of me was excited to go, abig part of me just dreaded the entire thing. This was so dumb, i was thinkin to myself. I had my home here, my family , my frens, my car.. now i've to go to pg n start over with nothing. HEck! where am i gonna stay? and so finally teh decision was made anyway.. I started reli praying dat God just led me wherever He wants me to be.. SO i just had to suddenly drop everything and desert my family n frens to come to pg.
It took us oni 3 days to find accomodation for ourselves(provided by company coz it's their fault=P) amazing isn't it? till now i can't believe we struck such a good deal! it was amazing! we found a place in Npark resort apartments, fully furnished(washing machine, stove, gas, sofa, dining set, fridge, rooms, beds, cupboard and pool, and gym ( not so nice la)) and so on. n we got the agent to rent for us for oni 3 months! GOSh, seriously, who would wanna rent to ppl who oni would stay for 3 months? i reli think it's by His grace.
And everything started falling into place,starting with dat. And at first der was so much confusion, they din even wanna pay us 500 each. they said 500 for all 3? or somehting like dat. but i prayed n waited. finally they issued a cheque of 500 to EACH one of us. and my workplace is heaven. I love it here but i hate my job.
My supervisor, Murali is such an amazing person. I'll talk more bout him some other time. But he's the most patient, big-hearted, calm, thoughtful, nice, generous, kind, most caring man i've ever met! SERIOUS! he comes from Chennai. I work in the R&D department which is reli small! der's Murali, Pandian, Ashok, Mahathir(yes, his full name is Mahathir Mohamad) and Sheela(the secretary). Murali, Pandian and Ashok is from Chennai, India. n they all look like BOllywood stars! but it's been reli awesome working with them so far. no internal conflicts, no arguments, just warmth n frenship. and they treat us trainees like their frens. My supervisor said he'd kill me if i call him sir. So i call all of dem by name.
N den der's the ' treating' part. I think since it's already been almost a month since i was here, it's countless times we've been 'chiar'ed by our colleagues and supervisor and ppl above us. EVen the CEO, Mr Raj treated us one day altho he's reli busy. der's the GM, Peter and Purchasing Manager, CP Ooi... who's been reli nice and accomodating to us. our Gm, Peter even brought us to play pool and belanja-ed us i dunno how many meals.. but we managed to snatch the bill once;) n i can say dat truly truly, i can oni dream of a working environment like this one. but too bad, i'ts over my dead body b4 i be a technician or true electronics engineer. so sad to say, i can't come back here to work after i grad.
altho i'm sleepy n bored most of the time, it's the ppl here dat keeps me alive. and I thank God every moment for it! even my roommate Adeline, same major but never reli knew her till we got into the same company together. She's awesome n reli nice and generous n sweet=)n i thank God for her. Or else i think i'll be so damn lonely. at least a close galfren anywhere is reli essential for i dun need guys to survive heh. BUt i reli reli miss u guys! U noe who u r!
i miss a lot of things, i miss my astro, my pc,my music! my piano! sometimes i reli feel the urge to go dancing or go play somehting on the piano. but much is restrained here. so i guess i'll just hafta be patient and wait till i get back to KL. BUt i truly thank God, He's been working behind the scenes up until now just to see dat i'm living in comfort n bliss.. n truly i can say dat i'm living nothing less than bliss. I love my condo, oni Chee yong and Kae ee have seen it so far. u guys can ask dem. but i'ts reli lovely from the 17th floor, we dun even need air cond. and i wish i can stay der all my life! it's reli nice!but hehe time to go soon. n ppl like Josh, Chu leik, Su chen, Zach and the rest have made it reli fun to be in pg;) .. i mean what's the point of having fun if u dun have wonderful frens to share it with right?
so do come n visit me sometime soon..:P heh but i'm coming back soon d anyway. i tink my training will be finished by 18th Jan. but it's cool getting to noe Pg a lil bit more. been a true privilege.
Congrates Chia! sorry next time oni can talk bout my taiwan trip liao.... and i know many of us visited my blogspot ...sorry it was never updated till now! din have the chance at all... wished i had my own pc here =(....but yeah, sorry if i missed out anything. been so long i can hardly remember what happened in the past month... hopeuflly this update will be slightly sufficient for now....hehe i gtg now.. take care ppl...pls keep in touch!Luv...
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