Friday, November 19, 2004


For the past few days since Sunday I've been in Mlk...
feels GOOd n yet i still wouldn't trade cyber for anyting.
the food was good n everything yet somehow for me
i still felt like my life would be so much more different
if i'd stayed in mlk n not come to cyber... tho i have so many things
in life dat i wished i'd better control of...but i just wudn't
change a thing. I feel like in cyber i had more oppurtunities
to do stuff ... to meet the big world... expose myself to more
things... n to meet more ppl/.... the ppl ive met in cyber
definitely play a BIG role in my life now...
... but oso somehow some things
have reli sunk into my heart...concernin frens...
all the frens dat i have in my lifetime seem to have so much
ups n downs with me.. i'm glad dat now i have reli close
n true frens dat i can reli lean on.... but i always ask God
why do i have such problems... not to say dat other ppl dun have
problems la... but den for me...i always get close to ppl easily
n the closeness almost goes as fast as it comes...
WEIRD isn't it? its like der's always something dat'll happen
dat'll make that closenesss...AMAZING closeness go away..
RECALLING*** almost 10 names dat i recall BEING SO CLOSE TO
in the past...where now with some things r better n some
just a hi n bye...we hardly even tok anymore..
these are some of the things *PRECIOUS THINGS* dat i'll always
hold on to n cherish even tho they're not close to me now...
-i wipe his tears away
-gave me a thank you card stating how much i mean to him
-amazing stuff they wrote bout me...saying how special i am to them..blabla
-just a smile n they just brighten up my day
-day n night waiting on me...wherever i wanna go.. just ready to be der for me
-even the stuff dat i want...once i wanted an old movie cd reli badly... this fren
went all over the world looking for it n he found it *BLUSH*
-just goin all the way to town to get me my fav tarts
-saying stuff like ' i miss you' to him even when i dun see him one day but i reli mean it..
-being so close as girlfrens...but now we're worlds apart...when life leads u to
different paths n u just lose that frenship... lost the closeness...
-hanging out with each other everyday....reli caring for one another.. n suddenly
*SNAP* we're not talking anymore..
-standing up for me in matters dat even they dun understand
-just comforting me n wipin away my tears....
-just having those heart to heart talks together...being transparent to one another..
n yet despite being soo close.. once again... i've lost it.. many more things i can state up der.. amazing things dat happened when i
was close to someone.. n every one of dem stil mean so much to me even right now.
It used to hurt a lot when i've lost the closeness but i must learnt o survive..
ppl come nppl go.. sometimes even when u dun doanyting wrong... it just happens..
I sitll think bout the good old days when dat person or dis person was reli close
to me... but despite all dat i still can't understand sometimes... how we can
get tilll *DAT CLOSe*!!! n yet still have all sorts of conflicts n misunderstandings
dat r just soooooo KILLING ME on the inside... its like ithink to myself..
IZIT RELI WORTH IT? just to misunderstand a close fren? believe what others say bout
ur close frens?choosing to take sides...refusing to talk to each other..
giving each other the cold treatment... i mean WHAT the CRAP is dat?
so guys.. live ur life tothe fullest... most of all..
MAKE FRENSHIPS dat will reli enhance ur life.. make dat frenship with that
someone THE BEST it can ever get.. den oni u'll enjoy n taste the goodness
of that everlasting frenship dat is soo PRICELESS...
oh man.. I LOVE U GUYSSSS!!!

Monday, November 08, 2004

DeDiCaTeD To My FwEn EsTheR...

When everything seems gloomy,
When life's road seemed too narrow,
When U feel like u're walking blindly,
When Ur heart is overladen with sorrow..
Turn to Him

When All seems hopeless,
When nothing matters anymore,
WHen all u wanna do is feel less,
when nothing is what u planned for,
Look to Him

Why do things happen
When it's not called for
"Life is unfair" we call out
n the fact remains
God is in control
Learn to give Him ur pain
Learn to lean on HIm
Cling to him when der's no hope
Rest in Him when u can't stand no more
Life is unfair we know
but be rest assured
ur futureis in His hands
He'll take care of u
Altho ur daddy on earth has left u
U still have ur daddy in heaven
who is faithful n will come thru for u

FInally OVER!

THEATRE PERFORMANCE was finally over!!!
I feel so relieved... the heels were killing my feet.
but i was reli so happy to have gotten to noe all the
fwens dat i knew from theatre class... we reli became
very fast fwens...close ones too..:) *GRINZ*
i LOVE U PPL!!!>>.but most of all i felt a loss
coz at the end fo the production i still din feel
close to my mentor n advisor... somehow i tot i would
have gotten to noe soemone professional in thie business
but i was wrong.. sigh.. anyways... plz do not start callin
me bimbo after this..:P which i'm not.. but glad to noe
SOME ppl THINK it was SOOOOO me..:P*BWEKS*..
yupes... da'ts it... hope i get an A for this!! it
was reli reli hard work!