SOMETIMES-Sometimes it helps to put urself in other's shoes,
it helps this world be a better place
with lesser misunderstandings.
-Sometimes ur actions and words may be misunderstood.
-Sometimes you can't please everyone.
-Sometimes, this way is wrong n so is the opposite.
-Sometimes, u get caught in the middle.
-Sometimes, people just need to grow up!
-Sometimes when you try to be nice, it backfires.
-Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
-Sometimes, the world isn't fair.
-Sometimes, good people have misfortunes.
-Sometimes, i'm just really pissed off.
-Sometimes, you just gotta be urself.
-Sometimes, you just hafta not give a damn about
what people think about you.
-Sometimes, i just need to be alone.
-Sometimes, if you dun like the way i am, then don't come near me.
But please, i beg of you, don't judge me.
-Sometimes, if you have nothing nice to say, just shut up.
-Sometimes, you gotta accept other's differences.
-Sometimes, you just gotta hold your tongue.
-Sometimes, I need to learn not to be afraid to be me.
-Sometimes, you have to count your blessings one by one.
-Sometimes, you need to hold on to those dearest to you.
Sometimes... sometimes...i just need peace...
TRUTH HURTS and REALITY BITESBeing nice and giving isn't always the answer to everything.
I care a lot for people, sometimes too much
I hurt myself sometimes, hung over the smallest things
I am sensitive, sometimes oversensitive.
Too much, or too less is always excess of the balance of
what is right
U can't help what people think of you.
They have a right to their opinions n views.
We are all different beings, different wants, different needs,
different desires, different thinking.
Crashes are always bound to happen.
We always fail to see the speck in our own eyes.
I need to learn.
I am me.
I'll always be me, whether you like it or not.